Release Notes
December 16, 2024
Change Log Kiwire version 3.7
This update provides important bug fixes and security updates, and fixes an issue for all Kiwire 3.0 users
1. [PORTAL] Role cache clear
Kiwire now fully supports UBNT Controller for captive portal login.
WISPr can be managed directly from Kiwire.
All communication is conducted via API. Ensure that the UBNT Controller is configured to allow communication with Kiwire.
2. [PORTAL] Report Download All
Admin now able to download all reporting with 1 click.
[PORTAL] Whatsapp Integration[*Beta Version*]
The WhatsApp login flow in Kiwire has been updated. We now utilize Synchrochat as our unofficial WhatsApp service provider. Administrators are required to manage this service through the Synchrochat platform.
September 20, 2023
Change Log Kiwire version 3.5
This update provides important bug fixes and security updates, and fixes an issue for all Kiwire 3.0 users
1. [PORTAL] Role cache clear
Admin now no need to relogin to get new role setting. Admin can just click clear cache at navbar account logo or at Help & Tools -> System quick and fix -> Clear cache.
2. [PORTAL] Download all at reporting insight
Admin now able to download all at Module
Report -> Insight -> Registration Data
Report -> Insight -> Social Network Data
3. [PORTAL] Enhance Policy Config for Kick User on simultaneous
Admin now have option to kick user different method such as:-
All connected user
1st connected user
Last connected user
Random user
Low usage user
High usage user
4. [PORTAL] Change format Integration SMS
Admin now able to custom body format field.ā
5. [PORTAL] Media extension
Admin now can upload media type strict to jpg, png, jpeg, pdf and mp4 onlyā
6. [PORTAL] [USER] Expiry for browser fingerprint auto-login
Admin now able to choose either reset expiry every login or not at Policy-> Configuration -> Autologin (tab) Moduleā
7. [USER] [BACKEND] License Expired flow
User now will not able to get landing page if licese is expired.ā
8. [BACKEND] Enhance Kiwire Scheduler
Kiwire now utilizes a new Scheduler structure designed to efficiently handle large-scale data processing in the cloud.ā
9. [BACKEND] Account prefix for social login.
User account prefixes are now mapped to the SocialGateway service.ā
10. [BACKEND] Handle Aruba controller login
Change data structure for Aruba login since it send a different parameter.ā
March 01, 2023
Change Log Kiwire version 3.2.4
Kiwire version 3.2.4 brings new features, fixed and improved for performance, productivity, and security.
1. [PORTAL] Remove Report -> Controller Module
The Report Controller module has been removed due to unsupported functionality for on-premise setups.
A new version of the Report Controller will be released soon.
2. [BACKEND] New Kiwire Campaign Service
Implement new campaign service for post login.
e.g User will get a notification like email after success login
Enhance kiwire service to handle request more smooth.
November 25, 2022
Change Log Kiwire version 3.2.3
Kiwire version 3.2.3 brings new features, fixed and improved for performance, productivity, and security.
1. Minify resourses [Portal]
System assets was minified to enhance UI performance
2. Kiwire Scheduler [Back End]
Change the logic kiwire scheduler to prevent error when processing a large data