KL Gateway Mall Enhances Shopper Engagement with Free, High-Quality Wi-Fi Coverage for the Entire Mall while Tracking Shopper Location to Elevate Marketing Programs

Introduction Today’s modern shopping mall faces a wide range of challenges to keep up with online merchants. They know what products customers have looked at, whether kitchen tableware or running shoes. And this insight enables them to make personalized offers. Along with most brick and mortar retail locations shopping malls are losing trend to online retailers style of understanding their consumers. These setbacks affect not only the retail corporations but also the property owners that retailers lease from.
Challenge So, when planning a new shopping mall, it is vital that KL Gateway Mall gains the potential to understand shopper behavior as well as online retailers do. To achieve the solution for this project, Synchroweb Technology has been authorized to setup and install its Wi-Fi solutions across the entire KL Gateway Mall shopping center.
Solution While free Wi-Fi has long been a staple amenity for shopping malls, our technology comes with the ability to augment their free Wi-Fi and increase their marketing arsenal at the same time. Other than parking lots and emergency exits, visitors will be able to enjoy free Wi-Fi from anywhere in the three-story complex, thanks to over 65 pcs carefully planned wireless access points from Ruijie.
By using our home-brew Kiwire software solution, we would be able to accurately identify people, their demographics such as gender and age, obtain data whether the customer is a new or returning visitor just from their handheld devices.
Added with our secondary software Omaya integrated into Kiwire, it is also possible to see their real behavior in the shopping center via marked heatmaps. Whenever someone arrives at the mall, its important to know where they go, how long they stay in each area, and which stores they actually enter.
Results About six out of ten people who come to the mall would optimally bring a smartphone with a positive trending growth among kids and senior citizens. Upon entry within the detectable mall grounds, the Omaya solution starts to keep track of device movement automatically. After visitors sign up and accept the terms and conditions for free Wi-Fi, Kiwire solution goes to work as well.
Side by side, both solutions cooperatively share and gather accurate data for analysis. Mall management can now check whether the person is visiting the mall for the first time or has been there before. And for the duration of the stay at the mall, the Omaya solution tracks the areas that the person visits, and how long.
Location information from the heatmap view tracks the shopping path of people who come to the mall for a specific event. Understanding shopper behavior the way online merchants do helps KL Gateway Mall measure the effectiveness of marketing programs. Lets say, for each event at the mall, such as an exhibition, they can count the number of people, the impact on their shopping habits, and how many shoppers visit stores before and after the event.
Seeing which tenants attract shoppers who visit other stores will also help KL Gateway Mall periodically plan and adjust the mix of tenants at the mall.