Minimizing the Spread of Covid-19 Infections
with Fever Detection
As such, the use of infrared as an adjunctive diagnostic tool to help detect people with a potential fever may contain or limit the spread of viral diseases such as Covid-19 (coronavirus), bird and swine flu, or bacterial infections such as SARS.
The growth of international travel and economic migration require a consistent, prompt, effective and global disease prevention policy. Elevated human body temperature, or fever, is often a reliable indicator of many serious infections. Since the recent outbreak of serious flu strains such as Covid-19 (coronavirus) and the spread of severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS), public health authorities have been looking for a fast, easy, contactless ( non-invasive), and reliable method to detect elevated human body temperature.
When used properly, infrared screening is such a method: a vital tool in the detection of elevated body temperatures in high-risk groups such as travelers. It is being used by health authorities around the world to screen passengers entering a country via mass transportation, and has proven itself as an effective monitoring method.
Infrared thermography can help detect elevated body temperatures which may indicate the presence of a fever.
